Adsense earnings depends on site loading time, As per my experience a user won't be interested on any site which takes more loading time. It has been seen that people read a blog and leave the page, It means your advertisement must be appeared after the last lines of your articles, Asynchronous ads load when a website page gets fully loaded, At this condition if a user completes reading of the article before your ads get loaded there will be 0% chances of making money by that user because he will leave your page before your ads get appeared. It is important to decrease site loading time to get better CTR and RPM.
How to Decrease Site Loading Time
To decrease site loading time you can follow these tips.
- Use Asynchronous Social Sharing and other Scripts.
- Write enough text with attractive subheadings, It will force a user to stay in your page before Ads get fully loaded.
- Turn Images in .PNG format, Images are another factor which affect site loading time, Using .PNG format images will reduce image size and make it loading fast.
- Use less ads units, Adding more ad units in a single page will reduce loading time so use 1-2 ad units only.
- Minimize the number of widgets used in your site.
- Compress the HTML files using HTML compressor tools.